Get Your ESSER II Funding Guide

What are the CRRSA Act and ESSER II Funds?

CRRSA Act: The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act
  • Signed December 27, 2020, added $81.9 billion to the Education Stabilization Fund
ESSER II Funds: A subsection under CRRSA, the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief fund
  • ESSER makes up $54.3 billion of the full amount

Who Is ESSER II For?

The ESSER II Funds will be distributed to states and then states will distribute to districts. The funds are being awarded similarly to Title I funds. The amount your district receives can be used for:
  • Identify and address learning loss
  • Educational technology
  • Preparedness and response efforts
  • Summer learning/supplemental after-school programs

How Do Districts Access Funds?

After the State Educational Agency’s application is approved and funds are awarded, districts will be awarded their funds from the state. Local Educational Agencies may apply to State Educational Agencies based on state-specific guidelines for local funding. In the guide, you’ll find a link to your state’s ESSER II guidance.